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Classical Music Demystified

I'm Graham Abbott, an Australian conductor and music educator. This blog was devised as a sanity-saving project in 2020 when lockdowns meant that I lost a year's work almost overnight. Here I write about classical music and share its inside stories. Most of these stories will be based on scripts which I wrote and presented on "Keys To Music" on ABC Classic between 2003 and 2017. Many thanks to the ABC for permission to use this material.

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The Composers of 1865, Part 4: Jean Sibelius

Keys To Music often used anniversaries as a rationale for some of the topics I chose, and, to be honest, they were often an excuse for me...

The Composers of 1865, Part 3: Paul Dukas

Keys To Music often used anniversaries as a rationale for some of the topics I chose, and, to be honest, they were often an excuse for me...

The Composers of 1865, Part 2: Alexander Glazunov

Keys To Music often used anniversaries as a rationale for some of the topics I chose, and, to be honest, they were often an excuse for me...

The Composers of 1865, Part 1: Carl Nielsen

Keys To Music often used anniversaries as a rationale for some of the topics I chose, and, to be honest, they were often an excuse for me...

Alexander Scriabin: An Attempt at an Overview

This music was written by one of the true individuals in music history, someone who has his fanatical admirers and his...

Bach's Christmas Cantatas

The writing and performing of church cantatas was central to so much of Johann Sebastian Bach's professional life. There is much we don't...

The Life and Work of Clara Schumann

One of the things which keeps popping up as I study history, and the history of music in particular, is that the people who stand out are...

Tomás Luis de Victoria

When I was starting out in this business, as a schoolboy trying to fathom the wonders of music, I found myself lumping composers together...

Four Hands at One Piano

I am always fascinated by the human need for music. Walk down most streets these days, or take any form of public transport, and chances...

Gluck, the Quiet Revolutionary

Christoph Willibald Gluck, born 2 July 1714, is one of those composers we always hear about when we study music history. Gluck...

One Overture, Three Operas

In our previous post I explored the sequence of four different overtures written by Beethoven for his only opera, Fidelio. Each time the...

One Opera, Four Overtures

The word "overture" is used to describe a piece of music which is played at the start of something, usually an opera. The word itself...

Carl Maria von Weber

This music was written by a man who inspired many other composers; indeed one writer calls him the most influential composer of the 19th...

Tchaikovsky's Operas

When I was working at the ABC, one of my colleagues asked me if I could name any opera by Camille Saint-Saëns other than Samson and...


In this post we're going to explore an enormous span of European music history, looking at how composers have set one particular text to...

The Life and Work of William Boyce

This music [listen] sounds a lot like it could have composed by Handel, and indeed it was written in England during Handel's lifetime....

Malibran and Viardot

Our story today starts in Seville, both the real one and the theatrical one. It starts with the Spanish tenor Manuel García, who created...

The Brothers Lawes

It will come as no surprise to you that I'm obsessed with the history of music. In terms of my general historical knowledge though my...

Hildegard of Bingen

We live in an insanely busy world, with an over-supply of information, entertainment, advertising, news and pseudo-news, with more music...

Baroque Women

Let's start by listening to this. [listen] Over the fifteen years I spent making Keys To Music for the ABC I received many suggestions...

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